A Central Park Winter Couple's Session-Max and Lizzy

Max and Lizzy's Central Park Couples Session:

In the heart of New York City's iconic Central Park, Max and Lizzy's love story unfolded against the backdrop of winter’s greenery and timeless architecture. From Bow Bridge, Bethesda Terrace, to the Metropolitan Museum of Art Steps, we had endless locations for candid moments captured on film.

Central Park will always be one of my favorite locations for engagement, couple sessions, and intimate elopments.

Tips for Your Own Couples Session

Planning your own Central Park couples session? Here are a few tips inspired by Max and Lizzy's unforgettable day:

  • Choose Meaningful Locations: Central Park offers a myriad of picturesque spots. Pick locations that resonate with your relationship, whether it's a serene lake or a charming pathway.

  • Wear Complimentary Outfits: Coordinate your outfits without being too matchy-matchy. Colors that compliment each other can add a cohesive and visually appealing touch to your photos.

  • Embrace Spontaneity: Some of the best moments are unplanned. Allow yourselves to be in the moment, laugh together, and let your photographer capture the magic.


A Colorado Springs Elopement at Garden of the Gods- Krystal and Nick Sangiamo


Happy Lunar New Year!